After taking charge as acting Vice Chancellor FATA University, Prof. Dr. Johar Ali called online meeting of 3rd Academic Council on 29th July, 2020 to recommend & authorize agenda items regarding online education and online assessments & examinations in the light of policy guidance series on HEC Covid-19 policy guidance no. 5 (Online Readiness) & policy guidance series on Covid-19 (policy guidance no. 6) regarding online assessments & examinations issued vide letter no. DD/1(QAA)/HEC/2020 dated 21/04/2020.
The online meeting of 3rd Academic Council was held on 29th July, 2020 and recommended/authorized FATA University standard operating procedures (SOP’s) for online education and online assessments and examinations at FATA University, TSD Darra NMD Kohat.